Watercolor on board, 9″ x 12″. Get the 8″ x 10″ signed/numbered art print.
Category: Jack O’ Lantern Project 2010
Jack O’ Lantern for October 9, 2010 – Dia de las Calabazas
Watercolor on board, 9″ x 12″. This is either going to show at Gallery Provocateur on Chicago or the MF Gallery Halloween Show in Venice, Italy. Not sure which yet. Get the 8″ x 10″ signed/numbered print.
Jack O’ Lantern for October 8, 2010
Watercolor on board, 5″ x 7″. Buy it at Etsy.
Mmmmmm… Jack O’ Licious!
Jack O’ Lantern for October 7, 2010

I ran out of time today, so here’s a quicky Jack that’s soon to become a snack! You can see the Jack that was supposed to be today’s on the art table there behind the apple – guess that’ll be for the 8th!