Yes, that’s my head. Yes, it’s done in Sharpie. Thanks, Charlie Brown and Brian Thomsen!
Category: Jack O’ Lantern Project 2010
Jack O’ Lantern for October 18, 2010
Really pressed for time today, so *I* am my Jack for the day.
Jack O’ Lantern for October 17, 2010
OK, I’m cheating. I didn’t make this one, and neither did Ripley, but it’s just so cool it had to be today’s Jack. It’s a huge piece of rusty iron, about 2 feet tall and heavy as hell. We found it today at a local curios shop – Alex spotted it and pointed it out with a “that is so YOU.” And so now it’s on the front porch.
Jack O’ Lantern for October 16, 2010
Ripley very proudly presented me with this wee fellow earlier today, and is very excited that it’s today’s featured Jack.
Jack O’ Lantern for October 15, 2010
Ripley & I found these little vinyl figure kits at a local craft store – they start out as blank white forms that you color with sharpies and add little stickers to and whatnot. We only used what came in the box. I bought 5 more and plan to actually paint them with acrylics, in much more detail, and with much more creativity…