The Halloween Artist Bazaar, of which I am a member, has a quick interview with yours truly at, in which I wax rhapsodic about Halloweens past. Enjoy.
Category: Interviews
Halloween Interview with Yours Truly on the AEIOU… And Sometimes Why Blog
Ed at the AEIOU… And Sometimes Why Blog interviewed me regarding my history with and thoughts about Halloween recently. You can read it here.
Interview Up at
I have a long and storied history with vampires & the Vampire Scene, going back over 25 years; read a bit about it at
Interview and Giveaway at
There’s an interview with yours truly up at, and they’re giving away one of my signed/numbered prints – check it out.
Chad Savage on the Big Scary Show Podcast
You can hear me blather on about all kinds of spooky topics on this week’s Big Scary Show Podcast –