3 New Pin Designs, Just in Time for the Midwest Haunters Convention!

New Pins & Shirts!

ShopSinister.com has released 3 new designs (currently as pins and apparel – patches are in the works!) just in time for the Midwest Haunters Convention, June 7-9 in Chicago!

HORROR LOVER Is it that you really, really love horror, or are you the type of lover that thinks The Silence of the Lambs is a romance movie? Only you’ll know for sure!

HAUNT ACTOR Not just an actor. Not just a haunter. The HAUNT ACTOR is a breed apart, able to summon fear from the very air. At 2″ wide, this is the largest pin ShopSinister.com has ever offered!

HALLOWEEN LOVER Whether you just love Halloween, or you’re the type of lover that thinks the smell of burning leaves is romantic, we’ve got you covered!

All designs were hand drawn/lettered by Chad Savage.

I’ll have the pins at the Sinister Visions booth #330 at the Midwest Haunters Convention – visit https://www.midwesthauntersconvention.com for details & tickets. All 3 designs are available on a variety of different kinds of shirts, but ONLY through ShopSinister.com.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them, and if you’re at MHC, stop by and say hello!

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