On the Subject of My Artwork and Its Availability for Purchase

A couple of recent conversations have convinced me that I haven’t made some things about my drawings, illustrations and paintings* (and their availability for purchase) clear, so in the interest of remedying that: Almost anything of significance that I’ve drawn or painted is more than likely available as an art print, at the very least. Many of them are available in multiple sizes, and many of the original artworks are available for purchase as well. You can even get a lot of my art on t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, blankets, shower curtains, throw pillows, tote bags, phone cases, etc.

Where can you get my artwork? The simplest place to go is http://www.darkartstore.com, which lists everything. But since we’re talking about it, here are the specific links:

*I’m not referring to proprietary logos and marketing artwork or characters that I create for my clients via Sinister Visions. That stuff is owned by the people who pay to have it made.

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